Claim-free music for your digital content
Over 300,000 premium-quality tracks from the top music libraries in the industry starting at only $10/month!
Never receive another claim again
There’s nothing more annoying than having to dispute claims for music you already paid for. Besides wasting your time, you risk losing revenue on your content, or even worse receiving a takedown and copyright strike.
With us, you enjoy a claim-free experience across your favorite digital platforms!
Tons of music, zero claims
We take “Claim-Free” very seriously. All of the music that appears on our platform is represented by us so we are able to ensure you do not receive any copyright claims or takedowns and strikes on your content that you upload.
Other licensing companies usually have one (or none) of the following. We are in a unique position to have both:
How it works
Premium Quality
Through long-standing relationships, top publishers, labels, and libraries submit premium-quality music to us.
Total Control
We exclusively represent that music in places like YouTube Content ID, giving us total control over claims.
Prohibition System
We cross-check this music in our system and prohibit any tracks that could cause you potential issues.
Valid Tracks
The remaining tracks become available on our platform for you to use in your content.
Claim Check
Our system automatically checks the channels you submit to us and ensures no claims come up on them.
Continuous Scans
As an extra safety measure, our system continuously scans for any potential issues on tracks we make available and removes ones as needed.